Friday, August 1, 2008

Spread the Word about Y-Guides & Princesses

We're all very lucky to have the most successful Y-Guides & Princesses program right here in our community. It's simply amazing how many lives this program touches and the father-child relationships that are strengthened through this program.

I'd like to ask all dads to help the YMCA spread the word about our program with your friends and neighbors. Let's make sure all dads with rising 1st graders know about the Y-Guides & Princesses program, the largest father-child program in the country!

Do you know dads at work, in the neighborhood or at church that have rising 1st graders? Tell them about your experiences (and your child's experiences) in the program and what it has brought to your relationship with your child. Tell them about the tribe meetings and your child earning feathers. Tell them about tribe outings, camping and of course Spring Outing.

Post information on your company's intranet or bulletin board. See if you can add it to your neighborhood newsletter or email list.

I've tried to spread the word far and wide about this year's Dads Orientation meeting. While word of mouth is fantastic, many dads simply don't hear about it. Because of this, I've tried to promote our program and orientation meetings in every local online calendar I can find, as well as newspapers, TV station community calendars, blogs, parenting web sites like Triangle TRACKS, local magazines and more.

Just today, I was happy to see a small article in the N&O promoting the Durham orientation meeting. I'm excited that the YMCA is expanding Y-Guides & Princesses into Durham this year. The YMCA has scheduled an orientation meeting for dads who live in Durham. I'd personally love to see at least 10 Guides & 10 Princesses tribes form in Durham.

While online calendars are good, word of mouth is so powerful and influential. Give your friends and neighbors the gift of a strong relationship with their son or daughter by telling them about Y-Guides & Princesses. Get them excited!

Let's bring in more than 200 new tribes this year!

For Wake County (Raleigh, Cary, Apex, Wake Forest and surrounding areas)

2008 Wake County Y-Guides & Princesses Dads Orientation Meeting
Tuesday, September 9, 7:00 p.m.
McKimmon Center, NC State University
1101 Gorman Street, Raleigh 27606

For dads who live in Durham, the YMCA has scheduled an Orientation meeting in Durham this year!

2008 Durham Y-Guides & Princesses Dads Orientation Meeting
Tuesday, August 19, 7:00 p.m.
Hope Valley Country Club
3803 Dover Road, Durham, 27707
