Thursday, April 2, 2009

Living Longer by Losing Weight

Way back last year I blogged about starting a weight loss program. I wanted to get down to 175 lbs. in time for Spring Outing. That lasted about a month and I fell off the wagon.... again.

Many of us try repeatedly to lose weight. We starve ourselves (not good) and fail to see any results and end up stopping. I want to be around to watch both my children grow up. I don't want to have to take medicine every day for the rest of my life.

My wife heard about Healthy Way, a 12-week weight loss/nutrition counseling program offered through Rex Healthcare. It sounded promising. We signed up together. Class meets once a week for an hour. There's about 13 of us in the class. Each week the class learns about portion control, meal planning, eating out, stress, etc. We are expected to do 45-60 minutes of cardio and 20-30 minutes of strength training at least 3 times a week. We are limited to 1500 calories each day, which include a morning, afternoon and possibly an evening snack. (It's not as hard as it sounds.) We log all our daily food, drink and exercise in Calorie King, a computer program that Rex provides. This helps a LOT!

On January 24, I weighed 203.4. Now in week 10 of the program, I now weigh 179. I haven't been this low since probably high school. I've dropped 2 pant sizes from 38 to 34s. All my XL t-shirts are ridiculously too large. I'm pushing hard to be 175 lbs by Spring Outing in 2 weeks. I'm looking forward in picking up my first LARGE Spring Outing t-shirt.

If you or a loved one wants to lose weight and is having problems, I'd strongly recommend Healthy Way.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Y-Guides and Princesses March in Durham Holiday Parade

Did you know that the Y-Guides and Princesses now have four tribes in Durham? We do!

Several members of the 3rd year Dancing Turtles Princess tribe (out of Cary) and three dads and daughters from the 2nd year Laughing Bulls tribe (from Durham) walked in the 2008 Durham Holiday Parade. It was a little cold, but we all had a great time carrying our banner proud and yelling "Merry Christmas!"

Here's a great photo I found on Flickr:

We hope that walking in the Durham parade will help raise awareness of Y-Guides and Princesses in the Durham area!

If you have friends who live in Durham and have a kindergartener, tell them about Y-Guides and Princesses! Tell them how much special the program is to you and your child. Suggest that they visit our Nation Web site at and to look forward to the 2009 Dads Orientation Meeting next August!

Monday, September 22, 2008

A Night that I'll Remember Forever

Years from now, what memories will stand out when you think about your son or daughter?

Family trips? Going to football games together? A dance recital? Catching a fish at Spring Outing?

It's great when you realize that you've just experienced something that you know that you'll never forget. I can't stop thinking about it even today.

Last night I took my daughter Ashlyn "Fuzzy Kitty" to the 3rd year Daddy/Daughter Date Night. While 3rd year Guides and their dads get to go to B.W. Wells to camp out, 3rd year Princesses get to get all dressed up and attend a sit down dinner and dance with their dads.

On Saturday, we started to get ready. Ashlyn and her mom went shopping to buy a new dress. I pulled out my suit to make sure I could still wear it.

On the way to the dance, Ashlyn asked "Who's going to be there? What's it going to be like? What music are they going to play?"

"I don't know. We'll have to find out together."

We arrived and ran into Jerry & Jessica, a dad and daughter from our tribe. Ashlyn picked out her corsage, which she wore around her wrist. We got our picture made like they do at high school proms. We each got lemonade in the reception area.

At 6:00 pm, the dads escorted their daughters into the ballroom arm-in-arm. We found our assigned table, full of silverware, plates and drink glasses.

"This is so fancy!" Ashlyn said.

The girls all got fruit cups, followed by chicken strips and fries, while the dads got salad and a nice chicken & mushroom entree. Everyone got a huge slab of chocolate cake for dessert.

At 7:00 pm, the fun really started with the dancing, complete with DJ and lights. Songs ranged from the requisite "YMCA", to "Brown Eyed Girl" (makes me think of the Spring Outing fireworks) and "My Girl". Throw in "Carolina Girls" and "Shout" and it was a fun night. We danced the "Electric Slide", did the "Chicken Dance" (of course) and had a "Twist" contest (Ashlyn's very good!). Bobby "Big Hare" helped the dads "find their Groove Thing", teaching us to do the "sprinkler", "lawn mower", "grocery shopping" and the "weed eater".

Thankfully we had a few slow songs to let us dads rest sprinkled throughout. After the sweatiest dad contest, the night ended with a slow dance to "Butterfly Kisses". (Must'n listen to the words or I'll cry.)

Ashlyn looked so big last night. She's growing up too fast. It seems like just last week, she was 4 years old.

I'll always remember holding her close and slow dancing with her and her looking up at me with a smile on her face.

We talked a lot about the night on the way home, picking out our favorite songs and moments. She was so excited to tell her mom and brother about the event. When we turned into our neighborhood, I asked a question, but she didn't answer. She had fallen asleep.

We will always remember this night.

Dads, do not miss this event. It is worth every penny.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Great Turnout at Dads Orientation Meetings


I'm happy to report that we had a standing room-only crowd at the Dads Orientation meeting held earlier this month at the McKimmon Center in Raleigh. I spoke with several new dads who attended the Dads Orientation meeting and they were blown away by all the testimony shared by all our speakers, as well as the videos that were shown. Our new incoming Chief Roger Winstead "Rolling Rock" made some outstanding videos that were shown. Take a look at them:

"Why Y-Guides?"

"Patches, We Need Patches"

It looks like we'll be adding a record number of new tribes this year.

We'll also be adding a Guides tribe and a Princess tribe in Durham! I look forward in seeing the program grow in Durham.

Our 1st year dads are now going through their dads' training sessions and getting ready for their 1st tribe meetings. Do you remember your first tribe meeting for your son or daughter? With their empty vests hanging down to their knees?

As the season changes, it'll be only a few weeks before we meet at Fall Outing at Camp Kanata. I can't wait to see all our 1st year tribes there and look forward in leading them to the campfire.

Has your tribe had their dads' planning meeting yet? Do you have your meeting schedule set for the year? Have you planned on any outings for the fall? Have you discussed your tribe's WeBuildPeople donation plans? If not, make sure to start planning for the fall season!

Let's have a great year! Make this year special for you and your child!


P.S. - Did you know that the YMCA Y-Guides & Princesses program has a new staff member?! I want everyone to welcome Meredith Stewart "Brown Bear" to the program who will serve as assistant director. I think Meredith will be a great role model for our princesses.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Spread the Word about Y-Guides & Princesses

We're all very lucky to have the most successful Y-Guides & Princesses program right here in our community. It's simply amazing how many lives this program touches and the father-child relationships that are strengthened through this program.

I'd like to ask all dads to help the YMCA spread the word about our program with your friends and neighbors. Let's make sure all dads with rising 1st graders know about the Y-Guides & Princesses program, the largest father-child program in the country!

Do you know dads at work, in the neighborhood or at church that have rising 1st graders? Tell them about your experiences (and your child's experiences) in the program and what it has brought to your relationship with your child. Tell them about the tribe meetings and your child earning feathers. Tell them about tribe outings, camping and of course Spring Outing.

Post information on your company's intranet or bulletin board. See if you can add it to your neighborhood newsletter or email list.

I've tried to spread the word far and wide about this year's Dads Orientation meeting. While word of mouth is fantastic, many dads simply don't hear about it. Because of this, I've tried to promote our program and orientation meetings in every local online calendar I can find, as well as newspapers, TV station community calendars, blogs, parenting web sites like Triangle TRACKS, local magazines and more.

Just today, I was happy to see a small article in the N&O promoting the Durham orientation meeting. I'm excited that the YMCA is expanding Y-Guides & Princesses into Durham this year. The YMCA has scheduled an orientation meeting for dads who live in Durham. I'd personally love to see at least 10 Guides & 10 Princesses tribes form in Durham.

While online calendars are good, word of mouth is so powerful and influential. Give your friends and neighbors the gift of a strong relationship with their son or daughter by telling them about Y-Guides & Princesses. Get them excited!

Let's bring in more than 200 new tribes this year!

For Wake County (Raleigh, Cary, Apex, Wake Forest and surrounding areas)

2008 Wake County Y-Guides & Princesses Dads Orientation Meeting
Tuesday, September 9, 7:00 p.m.
McKimmon Center, NC State University
1101 Gorman Street, Raleigh 27606

For dads who live in Durham, the YMCA has scheduled an Orientation meeting in Durham this year!

2008 Durham Y-Guides & Princesses Dads Orientation Meeting
Tuesday, August 19, 7:00 p.m.
Hope Valley Country Club
3803 Dover Road, Durham, 27707


Monday, June 16, 2008

More Fun with the YMCA

About two weeks ago, Matt ("Moose") passed me an email where Carol Clark, the YMCA of the Triangle VP for Marketing & Communications was looking for a YMCA participant to speak at an upcoming YMCA conference in Raleigh with other YMCA marketing directors. They were looking for information on search engine optimization (SEO) and Web marketing. Hey, why not I thought.

Last Thursday was the big day. There were about 30 marketing directors there from YMCAs all over the country. I was nervous, but it went well. I covered SEO, paid search and Web site analytics, and then I dived into a section about Web 2.0; you know blogs, podcasts, YouTube, Facebook. All that. Unfortunately we ran out of time, but everyone seemed so excited about the material.

I did have to brag about our fantastic Y-Guides & Princesses program, its history and impressive membership numbers. I really would love to help other programs repeat our success!

I repeatedly hear stories that many Adventure Guides programs rely solely on volunteers to RUN and lead their programs. Can you imagine our program without Moose, Salty Dog or Big Hare or someone like them leading the way?

I want to thank Carol once more for the opportunity to talk at this conference. I had a great time and hope the information was helpful to all.


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

It's Time to Make a Change

I read somewhere recently that if you want to accomplish something, you should yell it from the top of the tallest tree. The perceived peer pressure will help push you even more. I guess that's what I'm doing here.

Well, I did it.

I made the decision to get off my a... er, couch, improve my diet and start exercising.

Weight and age has started to creep up on me. I was tired all the time. I had headaches. I didn't feel great. My latest physical showed a ridiculously high triglycerides level, which is problematic. My doctor gave me until August to make the necessary changes with my weight, exercise and my diet. If I didn't, I'd likely go on medication forever. Heck, I'm only 44. I don't want to be on medicine the rest of my life. I don't want to have a "turkey neck" as my daughter calls it. I don't want my belly to be a "big pillow". (Dads, don't we all want 6-pack abs?) But most importantly, I want to I enjoy being with my wife and kids for years to come. I want to be around as Aaron and Ashlyn grow up, as they graduate from high school and college and maybe even medical school and then get out in the real world. I'd like to see both get married and have kids, gosh and be a grandfather one day. I'd like to travel the world with my wife. If I don't do something now, this will not happen.

So I started.... Last Tuesday, May 27 -- for those keeping score -- I weighed 197.5. I have a goal to be at 175 pounds by August 21 in time for my next physical.

So what have I done so far? First, I changed my eating. Instead of 3 big meals a day, I changed to 6. Here's a typical day.
  • A nonfat breakfast (Special K "Fruit & Yogurt")
  • A morning snack (South Beach Living High Protein Cereal Bars and perhaps a piece of fruit)
  • A small, nonfattening lunch (lots of fruit & veggies, deck of card-sized meat portion)
  • An afternoon snack (protein bar/fruit/yogurt, approx 150 cal)
  • A small, non-fattening dinner
  • A small evening snack (fruit)
I'm also drinking at least a 64 oz. of water during the day. I take a multivitamin and 2 fish oil tablets after breakfast and dinner.

For exercise, I'm run/walking at lunch for about an hour. I'm no long distance runner. I simply jog about 200 steps and then walk for about 100 steps. Repeat. I do finish with about a 1/2 mile jog. Nothing too fast. By the end, I'm tired and soaking wet.

Some days I also get to go to Lifetime Fitness which is fantastic after work with my wife and we do cardio work on the treadmills or elliptical trainers. I use a heart rate monitor and follow a 35 minute program that a trainer created for me that pushes my heart rate just up to my anaerobic threshold and then back down about 5 times. It's great. I'll add in time for weights once or twice a week too.

I try to get 8 hours a sleep at night minimum. You can't eat when you're asleep.

Well, what's the result so far?

I feel much better. I have a lot more energy at work and home. I can already see the changes in the mirror. My clothes aren't as tight. My belly isn't as fat. I weighed today and I'm at 191.5 lbs, 6 pounds less. That makes me feel even better and motivates me even more.

Do you want to start?

Take it slow. Go see a doctor first to make sure it's safe for you to exercise. You might also want to get a Personal Wellness Profile through the YMCA and WakeMed. The profile screenings include a full lipid panel, cholesterol, blood pressure, body composition, cardiovascular fitness, strength and flexibility. You can also read up on the YMCA's Healthy Balance program.

Pick a small goal. 5 pounds or just to start exercising 20 minutes a day. Start walking! Find some physical activity that you can do every day that will get you moving. Check out Cooking Light magazine and Web site for some fantastic low-fat/cal recipes. Look into joining the YMCA or local fitness center and meet with a physical trainer to get a workout program customized for you.

Don't diet and starve yourself. If you eat well 80% of the time, you're doing great.

Do you have a beautiful little girl or really cool son that you'd like to watch grow in years to come? Have you finally reached a point where you've recently said "I have to start somewhere"? Well, start today.

I'll keep you updated on my progress.
