Thursday, April 2, 2009

Living Longer by Losing Weight

Way back last year I blogged about starting a weight loss program. I wanted to get down to 175 lbs. in time for Spring Outing. That lasted about a month and I fell off the wagon.... again.

Many of us try repeatedly to lose weight. We starve ourselves (not good) and fail to see any results and end up stopping. I want to be around to watch both my children grow up. I don't want to have to take medicine every day for the rest of my life.

My wife heard about Healthy Way, a 12-week weight loss/nutrition counseling program offered through Rex Healthcare. It sounded promising. We signed up together. Class meets once a week for an hour. There's about 13 of us in the class. Each week the class learns about portion control, meal planning, eating out, stress, etc. We are expected to do 45-60 minutes of cardio and 20-30 minutes of strength training at least 3 times a week. We are limited to 1500 calories each day, which include a morning, afternoon and possibly an evening snack. (It's not as hard as it sounds.) We log all our daily food, drink and exercise in Calorie King, a computer program that Rex provides. This helps a LOT!

On January 24, I weighed 203.4. Now in week 10 of the program, I now weigh 179. I haven't been this low since probably high school. I've dropped 2 pant sizes from 38 to 34s. All my XL t-shirts are ridiculously too large. I'm pushing hard to be 175 lbs by Spring Outing in 2 weeks. I'm looking forward in picking up my first LARGE Spring Outing t-shirt.

If you or a loved one wants to lose weight and is having problems, I'd strongly recommend Healthy Way.