Monday, October 29, 2007

Welcome to the Chief's Blog

How-How! I want to welcome all Y-Guides & Princesses to my new blog! During the upcoming year as Nation Chief, I will be updating this blog with articles on upcoming & recent events, tribal meetings, outings and more.

First, it's a great honor to be named Nation Chief this year. We are all so blessed to be in the largest father-child program in the country with nearly 11,000 members!

Let me tell you about myself.

I'm in my 7th year in the Y-Guides program. I first joined the then "Indian Guides" in the fall of 2001 with my son Aaron "Tough Bull". We were part of the "Ragin' Raptors" tribe, which has since disbanded. If you're in the Trailblazers program and looking for more members in the Cary area, drop me an email. Aaron and I want are looking for an active Trailblazer tribe to join to do more than just Rockmont each year. Multi-day hiking & camping, paintball, go-karts, community service, etc.

I'm also in my 2nd year with my daughter Ashlyn "Fuzzy Kitty," in the "The Dancing Turtles" tribe. We lost several members in our tribe over the summer, so we pulled in the remaining members of "The Arapahoe Angels". So instead of two small tribes, we now have an active 10-dad, 11-girl tribe.

I was fortunate to be in the Indian Guides with my father in Charlotte in the early 1970s. I can remember going fishing at 4:00 am at Camp Thicket. I remember going to Camp Thunderbird to Longhouse. I have so many memories of being with my dad in the program. I knew I had to share these same experiences with my children when I got older.

I look forward in serving you as Nation Chief. Please don't hesitate to come up at any event and introduce yourself. I'd love to meet you and hear your experiences in the program.

If you have any suggestions on future articles, want to share a great craft, story, outing or just have questions about the Y-Guides program, just let me know.

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