Monday, February 4, 2008

Fun Tribe Visit with the Laughing Bulls

About a week ago, my daughter Ashlyn "Fuzzy Kitty" and I visited with the Arapahoe Nation's lone Durham tribe, the Laughing Bulls, a 1st year Princess tribe. The Laughing Bulls heard about the Y-Guides program a little late, but took the initiative to form their own tribe.

The Laughing Bulls made us feel welcome as soon as we walked in. They let me help with the meeting since they had only held one tribe meeting. I was able to talk to the tribe about wampum and what it can be used for. I told a story and stood the Princesses up against the wall to do a trick (With your heels against the wall, try and pick up a penny off the ground in front of your toes without falling. Hint: You can't!) After the trick, we went outside to play a game. We played one of my favorites: Clothespin tag. Put a clothespin on everyone's back. When someone says go, everyone runs around in a small area trying to pull off other player's clothespin, without letting anyone pull their clothespin. Last one standing wins! We played 3 rounds and had a lot of dads gasping.

After snack, we got our aerobic conditioning by singing "My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean". I told the tribe about Spring Outing. Everyone immediately got excited hearing about the cabins, zipline, mess hall and sharks tooth pile. After the closing prayer, the Laughing Bulls laughed into the night. What a bunch of cool little girls!

Thanks again Laughing Bulls! How-How!

Does your tribe need some help with your tribe meetings or simply have questions about the program? If so, don't hesitate to contact me. I'd love to talk to you about your tribe and answer any questions you may have. If you'd like me and my son or daughter to attend a tribe meeting, just let me know. I'll be glad to help your tribe in any way I can. I'll be glad to share with your tribe my experiences in the Indian Guides with my Dad, my experience as a father in the program, this year's Chief's Challenge or details about Spring Outing.

You can contact me at or call (919) 523-6287.


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