Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Looking for the words to "Rare Bog"?

Want to relive the campfire from Spring Outing?

I just wanted to let everyone know that the lyrics to Salty Dog's "Rare Bog" song are now on the Web site. Enjoy!


"... way down in the valley-O!"

Here's the cool girls from the Dancing Turtles tribe singing the song during the first Spring Outing weekend. Rain (and lots of it) pushed us inside for songs and the ghost story.


Andrew Plyler said...

You forgot about the EGG!!

And the tiny microscopic organism was on the tick, the tick was on the feather, the feather was on the wing, the wing was on the CHICKEN!!, the CHICKEN!!! was on the egg, the egg was on the nest, the nest was on the twig, the twig was on the branch, the branch was on the tree, and the tree was in the bog...WAY DOWN IN THE VALLEY O!

Brendan Bailey "Red Cloud" said...

Sorry Salty Dog. I found the lyrics in the Seafarer song book and either it didn't have it or I just overlooked it. I fixed it.