Monday, June 16, 2008

More Fun with the YMCA

About two weeks ago, Matt ("Moose") passed me an email where Carol Clark, the YMCA of the Triangle VP for Marketing & Communications was looking for a YMCA participant to speak at an upcoming YMCA conference in Raleigh with other YMCA marketing directors. They were looking for information on search engine optimization (SEO) and Web marketing. Hey, why not I thought.

Last Thursday was the big day. There were about 30 marketing directors there from YMCAs all over the country. I was nervous, but it went well. I covered SEO, paid search and Web site analytics, and then I dived into a section about Web 2.0; you know blogs, podcasts, YouTube, Facebook. All that. Unfortunately we ran out of time, but everyone seemed so excited about the material.

I did have to brag about our fantastic Y-Guides & Princesses program, its history and impressive membership numbers. I really would love to help other programs repeat our success!

I repeatedly hear stories that many Adventure Guides programs rely solely on volunteers to RUN and lead their programs. Can you imagine our program without Moose, Salty Dog or Big Hare or someone like them leading the way?

I want to thank Carol once more for the opportunity to talk at this conference. I had a great time and hope the information was helpful to all.


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

It's Time to Make a Change

I read somewhere recently that if you want to accomplish something, you should yell it from the top of the tallest tree. The perceived peer pressure will help push you even more. I guess that's what I'm doing here.

Well, I did it.

I made the decision to get off my a... er, couch, improve my diet and start exercising.

Weight and age has started to creep up on me. I was tired all the time. I had headaches. I didn't feel great. My latest physical showed a ridiculously high triglycerides level, which is problematic. My doctor gave me until August to make the necessary changes with my weight, exercise and my diet. If I didn't, I'd likely go on medication forever. Heck, I'm only 44. I don't want to be on medicine the rest of my life. I don't want to have a "turkey neck" as my daughter calls it. I don't want my belly to be a "big pillow". (Dads, don't we all want 6-pack abs?) But most importantly, I want to I enjoy being with my wife and kids for years to come. I want to be around as Aaron and Ashlyn grow up, as they graduate from high school and college and maybe even medical school and then get out in the real world. I'd like to see both get married and have kids, gosh and be a grandfather one day. I'd like to travel the world with my wife. If I don't do something now, this will not happen.

So I started.... Last Tuesday, May 27 -- for those keeping score -- I weighed 197.5. I have a goal to be at 175 pounds by August 21 in time for my next physical.

So what have I done so far? First, I changed my eating. Instead of 3 big meals a day, I changed to 6. Here's a typical day.
  • A nonfat breakfast (Special K "Fruit & Yogurt")
  • A morning snack (South Beach Living High Protein Cereal Bars and perhaps a piece of fruit)
  • A small, nonfattening lunch (lots of fruit & veggies, deck of card-sized meat portion)
  • An afternoon snack (protein bar/fruit/yogurt, approx 150 cal)
  • A small, non-fattening dinner
  • A small evening snack (fruit)
I'm also drinking at least a 64 oz. of water during the day. I take a multivitamin and 2 fish oil tablets after breakfast and dinner.

For exercise, I'm run/walking at lunch for about an hour. I'm no long distance runner. I simply jog about 200 steps and then walk for about 100 steps. Repeat. I do finish with about a 1/2 mile jog. Nothing too fast. By the end, I'm tired and soaking wet.

Some days I also get to go to Lifetime Fitness which is fantastic after work with my wife and we do cardio work on the treadmills or elliptical trainers. I use a heart rate monitor and follow a 35 minute program that a trainer created for me that pushes my heart rate just up to my anaerobic threshold and then back down about 5 times. It's great. I'll add in time for weights once or twice a week too.

I try to get 8 hours a sleep at night minimum. You can't eat when you're asleep.

Well, what's the result so far?

I feel much better. I have a lot more energy at work and home. I can already see the changes in the mirror. My clothes aren't as tight. My belly isn't as fat. I weighed today and I'm at 191.5 lbs, 6 pounds less. That makes me feel even better and motivates me even more.

Do you want to start?

Take it slow. Go see a doctor first to make sure it's safe for you to exercise. You might also want to get a Personal Wellness Profile through the YMCA and WakeMed. The profile screenings include a full lipid panel, cholesterol, blood pressure, body composition, cardiovascular fitness, strength and flexibility. You can also read up on the YMCA's Healthy Balance program.

Pick a small goal. 5 pounds or just to start exercising 20 minutes a day. Start walking! Find some physical activity that you can do every day that will get you moving. Check out Cooking Light magazine and Web site for some fantastic low-fat/cal recipes. Look into joining the YMCA or local fitness center and meet with a physical trainer to get a workout program customized for you.

Don't diet and starve yourself. If you eat well 80% of the time, you're doing great.

Do you have a beautiful little girl or really cool son that you'd like to watch grow in years to come? Have you finally reached a point where you've recently said "I have to start somewhere"? Well, start today.

I'll keep you updated on my progress.
