Monday, June 16, 2008

More Fun with the YMCA

About two weeks ago, Matt ("Moose") passed me an email where Carol Clark, the YMCA of the Triangle VP for Marketing & Communications was looking for a YMCA participant to speak at an upcoming YMCA conference in Raleigh with other YMCA marketing directors. They were looking for information on search engine optimization (SEO) and Web marketing. Hey, why not I thought.

Last Thursday was the big day. There were about 30 marketing directors there from YMCAs all over the country. I was nervous, but it went well. I covered SEO, paid search and Web site analytics, and then I dived into a section about Web 2.0; you know blogs, podcasts, YouTube, Facebook. All that. Unfortunately we ran out of time, but everyone seemed so excited about the material.

I did have to brag about our fantastic Y-Guides & Princesses program, its history and impressive membership numbers. I really would love to help other programs repeat our success!

I repeatedly hear stories that many Adventure Guides programs rely solely on volunteers to RUN and lead their programs. Can you imagine our program without Moose, Salty Dog or Big Hare or someone like them leading the way?

I want to thank Carol once more for the opportunity to talk at this conference. I had a great time and hope the information was helpful to all.


1 comment:

Jason Dobrolecki said...

Thanks for coming and talking with us! It was a great conversation that many Ys really need to have. As YMCAs we root ourselves in relationships, and this is just another avenue to start those connections. Thanks for taking the time to share your expertise!

Jason Dobrolecki
Association Director of Marketing and Membership
YMCA of Greater Indianapolis