Sunday, September 21, 2008

Great Turnout at Dads Orientation Meetings


I'm happy to report that we had a standing room-only crowd at the Dads Orientation meeting held earlier this month at the McKimmon Center in Raleigh. I spoke with several new dads who attended the Dads Orientation meeting and they were blown away by all the testimony shared by all our speakers, as well as the videos that were shown. Our new incoming Chief Roger Winstead "Rolling Rock" made some outstanding videos that were shown. Take a look at them:

"Why Y-Guides?"

"Patches, We Need Patches"

It looks like we'll be adding a record number of new tribes this year.

We'll also be adding a Guides tribe and a Princess tribe in Durham! I look forward in seeing the program grow in Durham.

Our 1st year dads are now going through their dads' training sessions and getting ready for their 1st tribe meetings. Do you remember your first tribe meeting for your son or daughter? With their empty vests hanging down to their knees?

As the season changes, it'll be only a few weeks before we meet at Fall Outing at Camp Kanata. I can't wait to see all our 1st year tribes there and look forward in leading them to the campfire.

Has your tribe had their dads' planning meeting yet? Do you have your meeting schedule set for the year? Have you planned on any outings for the fall? Have you discussed your tribe's WeBuildPeople donation plans? If not, make sure to start planning for the fall season!

Let's have a great year! Make this year special for you and your child!


P.S. - Did you know that the YMCA Y-Guides & Princesses program has a new staff member?! I want everyone to welcome Meredith Stewart "Brown Bear" to the program who will serve as assistant director. I think Meredith will be a great role model for our princesses.

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