Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Y-Guides and Princesses March in Durham Holiday Parade

Did you know that the Y-Guides and Princesses now have four tribes in Durham? We do!

Several members of the 3rd year Dancing Turtles Princess tribe (out of Cary) and three dads and daughters from the 2nd year Laughing Bulls tribe (from Durham) walked in the 2008 Durham Holiday Parade. It was a little cold, but we all had a great time carrying our banner proud and yelling "Merry Christmas!"

Here's a great photo I found on Flickr:

We hope that walking in the Durham parade will help raise awareness of Y-Guides and Princesses in the Durham area!

If you have friends who live in Durham and have a kindergartener, tell them about Y-Guides and Princesses! Tell them how much special the program is to you and your child. Suggest that they visit our Nation Web site at www.arapahoe-nation.org and to look forward to the 2009 Dads Orientation Meeting next August!

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