Monday, November 19, 2007

Arapahoe Nation Marches in Raleigh Christmas Parade

In their largest showing ever, the Arapahoe Nation had hundreds of Big and Little Braves and Princesses walk in the 63rd Annual Raleigh Christmas Parade. The line of walkers stretched nearly 100 yards on this chilly Saturday morning, in front of 60,000 blanket-covered parade watchers.

Many Big Braves carried jingle bells, while Little Braves & Princesses threw fireballs (what else?) to kids watching the parade.

You gotta love hearing WRAL TV anchor Bill Leslie talk about our program's size and exclaiming "That is incredible!"

The crowd was great by yelling back when we yelled "How-How!"

When we got home after the parade, I watched a tape of the parade and was initially bummed that they went to commercial right when we walked by. I just learned that WRAL didn't broadcast the parade in order and showed the Y-Guides & Princesses later in the broadcast.

You can watch our segment online!

If you go to and click on Raleigh Christmas Parade Part 2 within the video window. When the video panel comes up, move the slider to 11:41, and you'll see the Y-Guides & Princesses. I can see Big Hare, Denny Cole and several dads from my daughter's 2nd year Dancing Turtles Princess tribe. That's okay, don't show the Nation Chief and his beautiful kids. :-)

If you're a 1st year tribe, make sure your chief signs up your tribe to walk in Raleigh Christmas at next Fall's Chief's Meeting. Not only will you have a lot of fun and get a cool patch, but it's just one more experience that you and your child will share and be able to talk about for years to come.

1 comment:

Salty Dog said...

How-how! i sent this video to my family and they pointed out that you can see me for about .5 seconds in the bottom left corner of the screen! i wonder who else spotted themselves?! Red Cloud, i bet you can be spotted too!