Wednesday, April 30, 2008

1st Year Guides Coming to Camp for 1st Spring Outing

Alright, 1st Year Guides! It's your turn. Finally! It's time for your very first Spring Outing!

Are you excited?! I bet you are! I am too!

We're all going to have a great time at Spring Outing this weekend! As I told the Princesses, your eyes will pop out of your head when you see these camps and the activities we have planned for you. From all the activities you'll get to do like canoeing, archery, "Extreme BBs", finding sharks teeth, riding the JoyBoy with "Blackbeard", riding the ITT bus, tons of contests, Arapahoe National Treasure and Saturday's campfire, along with a bunch of other surprises, you and your dads will remember this weekend for years to come.

Just staying in cabins with your tribe is a blast! Meals are fun too in the mess hall. I like to say that you get to eat with 600 of your best friends.

Dads, don't forget to stop at Neuse Sport Shop to get your first clue. They've moved the cabin assignments from their old location to a new location. When you walk in the door, walk straight ahead to the large fish tank and the table will be on your right. Find out your cabin assignment and get your first Arapahoe National Treasure clue. Don't forget to let the kids check out the live bait. Bathrooms are in the back left of the store.

After you arrive and unpack, check out your cabin and explore the camp! Tribes are on their own Friday night for dinner. Don't forget the ice cream social in the mess hall at 8:45. I'll try and get everyone fired up for the weekend.

I look forward in meeting all of you this weekend!

Come see me and mention this blog and I'll give you 10 fireballs!


Monday, April 28, 2008

What Did Spring Outing Mean to You?

We've had four incredible Spring Outing weekends so far. I'd love to hear what you and your child thought of Spring Outing.

  • Was it special for you and your son or daughter?
  • What Spring Outing memories will you remember the most?
  • What did you enjoy the most about Spring Outing?
  • Do you have any quotes from your son or daughter about how they liked Spring Outing or any of the activities?

Also, tell us about your experience in the program this year (1st year dads especially.) Has the program brought you closer to your son or daughter? Have you seen your son or daughter change during the year? What have you enjoyed the most?

You can send leave your comments here on the blog -- OR-- better yet, send your comments and suggestions about Spring Outing or the Y-Guides & Princesses Program to Bobby ("Big Hare"), Matt ("Moose") and Andrew ("Salty Dog") read all suggestions and comments and use them to make this program even better!


Princesses Enjoy 1st Spring Outing

This past weekend was incredible with the 1st year Princesses. The girls (and dads) were giddy with excitement as they arrived at camp and found their cabin. I took my son Aaron and daughter Ashlyn with me this weekend to help out. We drove around camp Friday night talking with tribes as they unpacked and cooked out at their cabins. Girls were curious, exploring around their cabins. Just like all the Princesses, most of the Big Braves were new to the program, so the whole Spring Outing experience was new to them too.

We had a great ice cream social on Friday night where everyone got fired up to hear about all the activities planned on Saturday.

After breakfast on Saturday, activities were finally opened and tribes spread out. Some ran to archery. Some to the canoes. Some to the zipline. Some to the BBs. Others went on the Arapahoe National Treasure hunt. Others ran to the shark tooth pile to hunt for sharks teeth.

Right after breakfast I did get to meet a cool little Princess named Annalise who had become separated from her dad. She was a little weepy and upset, but we calmed her down in the camp store. I drove her to her cabin, but no one was there. As she calmed down, she started talking. We got to chat about all the things she was looking forward in doing at camp. Shortly after we got back to the camp store, her dad showed up to get her. We helped both of them pick out their free camp shirt and off they went hand-in-hand to do activities.

Aaron, Ashlyn and I went to Sea Gull to visit the Princesses at that camp for lunch. Had a great time there too, helping with some skits. Met quite a few dads and daughters after lunch who were turning in their Chief Challenge forms.

The JoyBoy was running all day Saturday. For this week, we had a real (looking) Blackbeard pirate onboard who will told you a bunch of great stories.

Dinner was special with the announcement of our contest winners, Arapahoe National Treasure tribe winner, arrowhead awards for those earning all their first year patches and a skit. Aaron, Ashlyn and I did get to see the largest fish winner catch and pull to shore their 25" carp.

Campfire was fantastic, of course. We had great weather. I think we sold about 600-1000 glow necklaces before the campfire, so that was a cool site to see once everyone got seated. Dads and Princesses really seemed to have a great time.

Sunday activities opened again. We had a very successful 5K Run/Walk at Seafarer, complete with "Fanfare for the Common Man" and "Chariots of Fire" music playing in the background. All finishers go to run through a finish line. Great fun!

After brunch, tribes start packing up. It's a sad time. You don't want to leave. "Can't we just live at Spring Outing?," kids will ask. The Princesses all hug and say their goodbyes to each other. The vans are packed and off the dads and girls leave for home. Dads and daughters talk about all the fun time they had at camp. Girls can't wait to get back home to tell mom all about it. The memories of this incredible weekend will stay with both dad and daughter forever.

I have to share this comment from my blog post last week.

"In my daughters words, 'Dad, did you every imagine that Y-Princess's would be this awesome?'"

With tears in my eyes, it is awesome.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Can't Wait for 1st Year Princesses Spring Outing!

Okay, 1st Year Princesses! You've had a great year. You formed your tribe. You had your first tribe meeting where you met and immediately made great friends with the other girls in your tribe. You're now like sisters! You had a great Fall Outing and induction ceremony at Camp Kanata. You've been on some cool outings like camping. It's been a fun year.

But you ain't seen nothing yet!

After a year of waiting and hearing about it, this Friday you'll be leaving for Camp Sea Gull & Seafarer for Spring Outing! Your eyes will pop out of your head when you see these camps and the activities we have planned for you. From all the activities you'll get to do like canoeing, archery, "Extreme BBs", finding sharks teeth, riding the JoyBoy, riding the ITT bus, tons of contests, Arapahoe National Treasure and Saturday's campfire, along with a bunch of other surprises, you and your dads will remember this weekend for years to come.

It was only a year ago when my daughter's first year tribe "The Dancing Turtles" came to camp for their first Spring Outing. The girls were so excited to be there. The dads were too. One of the dads commented "Wow, this must be Heaven." His daughter replied, "No dad. It's Spring Outing."

Another Princess exclaimed "This is going to be the best weekend EVER!"

And it was!

I look forward in meeting all of you this weekend!

Come see me and mention this blog and I'll give you 10 fireballs!


Sunday, April 20, 2008

Guides & Princesses Doesn't End after the Third Year

I just got back from the third Spring Outing today. I took my 12-year old son Aaron with me to help out this weekend. Aaron's still in the program, his 7th year, now in the Trailblazers program.

Many are under the impression that Y-Guides & Princesses is only a three-year program.

It's not!

Beginning in the 4th year, Guide tribes move into the Trailblazers program and Princess tribes move into the Trailmates program. Activities are targeted toward kids 4th grade and older.

At Friday night's ice cream social at Camp Seafarer, we showed all the 3rd year princess tribes a short video about Camp Rockmont. A dad in the program made this video showing all the fun that tribes have at Rockmont in Black Mountain, NC. All the princesses seemed real excited about it. Trailblazers and Trailmates, routinely called Blazer/Mates, all go to Rockmont in August every year instead of going to Camp Kanata in November. Blazer/Mates still go to Camp Sea Gull & Seafarer for Spring Outing.

At Rockmont, Blazer/Mates get to ride the triple zipline off the mountain, over and into the lake, ride the "Gullywasher" waterslide off the side of the mountain into the lake. Plus, there's the blob! (See the "Top 8 blobs from 2006" and Moose blobbing a small lifeguard from 2007). There's "Extreme BBs", archery, canoeing, a climbing tower, fishing, hiking, shooting .22 rifles, a Saturday night picnic dinner by the lake, a square dance complete with bluegrass band and a Saturday night campfire on the top of the mountain.

Fathers & sons/daughters can also come a day earlier to go white water rafting trip down the French Broad River. This year, you can get some discount tickets to Ghost Town in the Sky, the western theme park in Maggie Valley, complete with cool gunfights, shows and rides in this old western town.

Salty Dog is going to be adding more outdoor activities for Blazer/Mates, like multi-day hiking and more! Let him know what you'd like to do! (Have you seen Salty Dog's new blog?)

Dads, while the first three years in Y-Guides & Princesses are fun and help build your relationship with your son or daughter, I personally feel that they need you more as they get older, especially as they approach middle school. The more time you spend with your child in activities like Blazer/Mates, the stronger your relationship will become and hopefully, help lead them to make good decisions.

Do all you can to keep your tribe together for as long as possible. But if your tribe does disbands, you and your child can continue to be in the program for as long as you want. Over the past few years, we've had several "children" drive their dads to Rockmont. Isn't that incredible? I think it is.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Patches! Patches! Patches!

Did you know that you can get and earn up to 6 patches at Spring Outing?

It's true!

  1. Spring Outing "Arapahoe National Treasure" patch - You'll get this one when you arrive at camp, along with the weekend schedule and a few bonus fireballs. (You'll wonder why it has a string loop around the top of the patch. Well, the patch vendor thought we were Boy Scouts and added the string loop to hang off uniform buttons. Uh, no. You can cut this off before you glue it to your vest.)

  2. 2007-08 Chief's Challenge Patch - If father and child completed 10 environmental activities found in the Chief's Challenge flyer, then you can earn this cool patch. Bring a copy of the flyer. If you forget, we have some in the store. If you haven't started the challenge, take a look at the flyer, and you'll see you're already likely doing many of the activities like recycling, changing out your old incandescent bulbs, conserving water and you'll also be recycling in your cabin at camp. That's already 4 items!

  3. 2006-2007 Chief's Challenge Patch - This was selected by last year's Nation's Chief Alan Dickenson "Wide Wing". To earn this patch, the father should pick out a Bible verse for their son or daughter to learn. If the child can recite it back to the father, then you get this patch. Alan joked that children memorizing "Jesus wept." will be required to explain when he wept and why. :-)

  4. Healthy Balance Family Challenge Patch - If your family has been following 12 of the 20 items on the Healthy Balance flyer, then you can get this patch. If you haven't started, you can sign the form and take it home and we'll give you the patches.

  5. Spring Outing 5K Challenge Patch - If fathers and children participate in this year's 5K run/walk on Sunday morning, you'll receive this cool patch. Dads and children must stay together. It's not a race, but just a great way for dads and children to get some exercise and do another activity together.

  6. Devotion Patch - If you attend the Sunday morning devotion service from 7:30-8:00, you'll receive this round patch with a dove on it.
Can you earn them all? I bet you can!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Spring Outing - Week 2: Beautiful Sunshine!

I ventured back to camp for weekend #2 of the 2008 Spring Outing. I was all alone this weekend after spending last week with The Dancing Turtles, my daughter's tribe at Camp Sea Gull. I asked my son Aaron to come along this week and work with me, but he was too paranoid about missing middle school. I guess I can't be upset over that.

It was a glorious weekend. I stayed at Camp Seafarer with Bobby "Big Hare" and Andrew "Salty Dog". The weather was fantastic. Warm with a nice breeze. It was cool Sunday morning for the 5K run/walk. We'd heard about a threat of r _ _ _ (shhh... don't say it!) on Saturday night, but it thankfully fell apart before getting to camp. We had a great campfire ceremony and ghost story.

Salty Dog and I spent much of the weekend riding around camp taping segments with a video camera to put on YouTube real soon. We got some hilarious interviews and footage. Can't wait to get it posted for everyone to see! We'll be out there again this weekend taping and interviewing our 3rd year Princesses and Big Braves.

All the 2nd Year Guides and dads seemed to enjoy the Arapahoe National Treasure theme this weekend. Will your tribe come out on top this weekend?!

I want to tell you a story...

It was Sunday morning about 8:20. I had raced back over to Sea Gull to get a box of pins for our 5K participants to be able to wear race numbers on their shirts. I just got back and was standing in the back of a full mess hall listening to the Sunday devotion service. (This is a patch event!) A small boy named Smiling Fox, who I had talked to several times during the weekend saw me, waived and came over to me.

"I want to talk to you," he said in a quiet voice.

I knelt down and smiled and said sure. I asked him if he was having fun this weekend. He said yes. He then said this...

"When I leave today, I'm going to miss you."

It was so sweet. I gave him a hug and told him I was going to miss him too. He smiled and ran back to his dad at the table.

I'll never forget that.

Spring Outing is so special.

Hats off to the Crabtree Creek's 1st year Guides tribe who invited my son Aaron and I to their tribe meeting last Sunday afternoon. I talked about Spring Outing and how great it is and shared with the tribe my indian costume I wore when I was in Indian Guides in Charlotte in 1970-1972. I showed off this elaborate invitation my dad made for a tribe meeting at our house. The boys had a great craft and a delicious snack and really had a great time. I look forward in seeing the tribe at Spring Outing in a few weeks!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

There's Nothing Like Spring Outing!

Wow, what a Spring Outing!

First off.

It. Rained. A. Lot.

I bet we got 4-5" (or more!) overnight Friday through Saturday night. It finally stopped raining and we actually saw this orange disc in the sky Sunday morning. I'm not sure what that was.

It may have rained, but it didn't see anyone let that keep us from having fun. We still hunted for sharks teeth. We shot BBs and archery. We rode down the zipline into the wonderfully warm water :-) We had a break in the rain for our campfire, had our songs and ghost story. Sure, we had to dodge lightning from time to time by running into our cabin, but it was great fun.

This year's theme was Arapahoe National Treasure. We've been working on the theme since January and I think it worked really well. What did you think? Give us your feedback. What other themes would you like to see?

The shirts are outstanding! You'll likely see a color poster of the shirt design near the camp store that's really cool. I wish we could sell posters of the design.

Spring Outing is so special. There are few places where you get to spend this much quality time with your son or daughter. You and your child will remember these shared experiences for years to come.

Is your tribe getting ready for Spring Outing? Here are some tips that might help.

  • Make sure to have rain gear. Ponchos, rain jackets, etc. Weather changes a lot on the coast. Make sure to have another pair of shoes to wear in wet weather. Crocs or surf shoes are perfect. Bring more changes of clothes than you think you need.

  • Bring some cabin games & activities if it does rain. While most outdoor activities will continue if it's not lightning, there are are times when storms will run everyone indoors. Make sure to bring a deck of cards or board games.

    Would I bring a laptop to watch movies in case it rains? That's a tough one. I think this may create the temptation for your son or daughter to want to sit inside and watch a movie with other kids in the tribe instead of having fun outside when it's not even raining. Same goes with hand-held video game systems. I'd personally leave them at home. Just my opinion.

  • Make sure you know what your tribe is doing for dinner on Friday before you leave. Tribes are on their own for this meal. There's not much to choose from fast food-wise in the area, so everyone needs to pick up something on the way there or plan on cooking out when you arrive at your cabin. Our tribe is fortunate to have a dad who cooks. Jerry sat on the porch and cooked up hamburgers, hot dogs, brats, kraut and tons of French fries. It was great! Every tribe needs a "Jerry."

  • This year's Arapahoe National Treasure theme activities are for dads and children and tribes to do together, after you receive your first clue after breakfast on Saturday morning. Work together with the kids to figure out the clues and riddles and help them if they get stuck.

  • Bring your completed Chief's Challenge flyer with you with the items you completed checked off. I'll be at Camp Seafarer this weekend to meet you, hear what you've accomplished and give you your Chief's Challenge patch. If you forget your flyer, you can still get your patch. I'll simply talk to your son or daughter on what they've been doing to help the environment.

  • Spring Outing can be tiring. If you've been, you know how you can run out of gas around 2:00 pm on Saturday. It's even more tiring for your son or daughter. They're so excited about being at Spring Outing with the cabin and all their friends, and the running around, and the activities, and the staying up late and the getting up early and the running around more, AND, AND, AND!!!!! (CRASH!) Eventually they run out of gas and just get moody. My son Aaron would turn into the grump monster Saturday afternoon, which would finally break on the way home. They do better as they get older.

    My solution. Just expect that it's coming, smile when you see it and try and find a way to live with it. Don't get angry. Just find an activity that they want to do. If they want to play in the cabin quietly for awhile, let them. It'll might give you a chance to take a short nap or shower.
This weekend I'll be staying at Camp Seafarer with Salty Dog and Big Hare. I'll be visiting Camp Sea Gull at lunch on Saturday.

I hope to see everyone this weekend! Let's have a great time!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Spring Outing is Here!

Well, Ashlyn and I are packed up for Spring Outing. Most of the big stuff is already packed in the van, with the rest spread around the kitchen floor. I think we always end up taking everything we own. We'll be leaving around 8:30, meeting several other Long Bow dads in our tribe to caravan to camp together.

Spring Outing is so special. For dads, it's a great opportunity to just get away from all the daily pressures of work and simply enjoy being with your son or daughter. You don't have to worry about meals or much of anything. (Well, maybe a little worry with the Tar Heels playing in the Final Four on Saturday night.)

We may get a little rain this weekend, but that's okay. Were not going to let that stop us from having fun. It'll be warm, plus Moose and Salty Dog have already turned on the heaters in the lakes, so they should be great for swimming and riding the zipline.

During Spring Outing, we'll be having the Arapahoe National Treasure weekend, where we'll get to hear a message from famed treasure hunter and cryptologist Benjamin Franklin Gates. From what Moose told me, Gates needs our help. I can't wait to find out more!

I've seen the Spring Outing shirts and they're great! So good in fact that I'm sure you'll want to see how nicely they look in the mirror.

Well, off to bed. Gotta get an early start tomorrow.

And to think that Ashlyn's been asking me since September, "How many more days until Spring Outing?" It's finally here.

Make it special!

Reminder! Tribes are asked to bring one white 26 or 27 watt CFL bulb (equivalent to 100 watt incandecent) in a standard household size and one yellow 11-13 watt CFL Bug light in a standard household size. This valuable donation will help the camps reduce their energy bills and dramatically reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.

We don't want the tribes replacing the bulbs themselves, so we're asking all tribes to bring their bulbs to the ice cream social on Friday night.