Thursday, April 3, 2008

Spring Outing is Here!

Well, Ashlyn and I are packed up for Spring Outing. Most of the big stuff is already packed in the van, with the rest spread around the kitchen floor. I think we always end up taking everything we own. We'll be leaving around 8:30, meeting several other Long Bow dads in our tribe to caravan to camp together.

Spring Outing is so special. For dads, it's a great opportunity to just get away from all the daily pressures of work and simply enjoy being with your son or daughter. You don't have to worry about meals or much of anything. (Well, maybe a little worry with the Tar Heels playing in the Final Four on Saturday night.)

We may get a little rain this weekend, but that's okay. Were not going to let that stop us from having fun. It'll be warm, plus Moose and Salty Dog have already turned on the heaters in the lakes, so they should be great for swimming and riding the zipline.

During Spring Outing, we'll be having the Arapahoe National Treasure weekend, where we'll get to hear a message from famed treasure hunter and cryptologist Benjamin Franklin Gates. From what Moose told me, Gates needs our help. I can't wait to find out more!

I've seen the Spring Outing shirts and they're great! So good in fact that I'm sure you'll want to see how nicely they look in the mirror.

Well, off to bed. Gotta get an early start tomorrow.

And to think that Ashlyn's been asking me since September, "How many more days until Spring Outing?" It's finally here.

Make it special!

Reminder! Tribes are asked to bring one white 26 or 27 watt CFL bulb (equivalent to 100 watt incandecent) in a standard household size and one yellow 11-13 watt CFL Bug light in a standard household size. This valuable donation will help the camps reduce their energy bills and dramatically reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.

We don't want the tribes replacing the bulbs themselves, so we're asking all tribes to bring their bulbs to the ice cream social on Friday night.

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