Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Spring Outing - Week 2: Beautiful Sunshine!

I ventured back to camp for weekend #2 of the 2008 Spring Outing. I was all alone this weekend after spending last week with The Dancing Turtles, my daughter's tribe at Camp Sea Gull. I asked my son Aaron to come along this week and work with me, but he was too paranoid about missing middle school. I guess I can't be upset over that.

It was a glorious weekend. I stayed at Camp Seafarer with Bobby "Big Hare" and Andrew "Salty Dog". The weather was fantastic. Warm with a nice breeze. It was cool Sunday morning for the 5K run/walk. We'd heard about a threat of r _ _ _ (shhh... don't say it!) on Saturday night, but it thankfully fell apart before getting to camp. We had a great campfire ceremony and ghost story.

Salty Dog and I spent much of the weekend riding around camp taping segments with a video camera to put on YouTube real soon. We got some hilarious interviews and footage. Can't wait to get it posted for everyone to see! We'll be out there again this weekend taping and interviewing our 3rd year Princesses and Big Braves.

All the 2nd Year Guides and dads seemed to enjoy the Arapahoe National Treasure theme this weekend. Will your tribe come out on top this weekend?!

I want to tell you a story...

It was Sunday morning about 8:20. I had raced back over to Sea Gull to get a box of pins for our 5K participants to be able to wear race numbers on their shirts. I just got back and was standing in the back of a full mess hall listening to the Sunday devotion service. (This is a patch event!) A small boy named Smiling Fox, who I had talked to several times during the weekend saw me, waived and came over to me.

"I want to talk to you," he said in a quiet voice.

I knelt down and smiled and said sure. I asked him if he was having fun this weekend. He said yes. He then said this...

"When I leave today, I'm going to miss you."

It was so sweet. I gave him a hug and told him I was going to miss him too. He smiled and ran back to his dad at the table.

I'll never forget that.

Spring Outing is so special.

Hats off to the Crabtree Creek's 1st year Guides tribe who invited my son Aaron and I to their tribe meeting last Sunday afternoon. I talked about Spring Outing and how great it is and shared with the tribe my indian costume I wore when I was in Indian Guides in Charlotte in 1970-1972. I showed off this elaborate invitation my dad made for a tribe meeting at our house. The boys had a great craft and a delicious snack and really had a great time. I look forward in seeing the tribe at Spring Outing in a few weeks!

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