Monday, April 21, 2008

Can't Wait for 1st Year Princesses Spring Outing!

Okay, 1st Year Princesses! You've had a great year. You formed your tribe. You had your first tribe meeting where you met and immediately made great friends with the other girls in your tribe. You're now like sisters! You had a great Fall Outing and induction ceremony at Camp Kanata. You've been on some cool outings like camping. It's been a fun year.

But you ain't seen nothing yet!

After a year of waiting and hearing about it, this Friday you'll be leaving for Camp Sea Gull & Seafarer for Spring Outing! Your eyes will pop out of your head when you see these camps and the activities we have planned for you. From all the activities you'll get to do like canoeing, archery, "Extreme BBs", finding sharks teeth, riding the JoyBoy, riding the ITT bus, tons of contests, Arapahoe National Treasure and Saturday's campfire, along with a bunch of other surprises, you and your dads will remember this weekend for years to come.

It was only a year ago when my daughter's first year tribe "The Dancing Turtles" came to camp for their first Spring Outing. The girls were so excited to be there. The dads were too. One of the dads commented "Wow, this must be Heaven." His daughter replied, "No dad. It's Spring Outing."

Another Princess exclaimed "This is going to be the best weekend EVER!"

And it was!

I look forward in meeting all of you this weekend!

Come see me and mention this blog and I'll give you 10 fireballs!



Anonymous said...

We are really looking forward to this weekend! Our tribe is very excited and we are sure to make it a remarkable event. In my daughters words, "Dad, did you every imagine that Y-Princess's would be this awesome?"

Running Black Bear

Brendan Bailey "Red Cloud" said...

Thanks for the comment! This comment made my day.

I hope you and daughter had a great time at Spring Outing.

Yes, it is awesome!