Wednesday, April 30, 2008

1st Year Guides Coming to Camp for 1st Spring Outing

Alright, 1st Year Guides! It's your turn. Finally! It's time for your very first Spring Outing!

Are you excited?! I bet you are! I am too!

We're all going to have a great time at Spring Outing this weekend! As I told the Princesses, your eyes will pop out of your head when you see these camps and the activities we have planned for you. From all the activities you'll get to do like canoeing, archery, "Extreme BBs", finding sharks teeth, riding the JoyBoy with "Blackbeard", riding the ITT bus, tons of contests, Arapahoe National Treasure and Saturday's campfire, along with a bunch of other surprises, you and your dads will remember this weekend for years to come.

Just staying in cabins with your tribe is a blast! Meals are fun too in the mess hall. I like to say that you get to eat with 600 of your best friends.

Dads, don't forget to stop at Neuse Sport Shop to get your first clue. They've moved the cabin assignments from their old location to a new location. When you walk in the door, walk straight ahead to the large fish tank and the table will be on your right. Find out your cabin assignment and get your first Arapahoe National Treasure clue. Don't forget to let the kids check out the live bait. Bathrooms are in the back left of the store.

After you arrive and unpack, check out your cabin and explore the camp! Tribes are on their own Friday night for dinner. Don't forget the ice cream social in the mess hall at 8:45. I'll try and get everyone fired up for the weekend.

I look forward in meeting all of you this weekend!

Come see me and mention this blog and I'll give you 10 fireballs!


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